StringSound Privacy Policy

We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”). As part of this commitment, our privacy policy governs our actions as they relate to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information.

1. Introduction
We are responsible for maintaining and protecting the Personal Information under our control. We have designated an individual or individuals who is/are responsible for compliance with our privacy policy.

2. What Do We Collect/Access?
StringSound will only access users’ saved StringSound project, with an extension of ‘.lng’. StringSound will Never collect other information, such as name, address, and phone numbers. The action of accessing users’ Devices/Folders is providing a convenient way for users to transfer their projects to other devices.

3. Consent
Knowledge and consent are required for the collection, use, or disclosure of Personal Information except where required or permitted by law. Providing us with your Personal Information is always your choice. However, your decision not to provide certain information may limit our ability to provide you with our products or services. We will not require you to consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of information as a condition to the supply of a product or service, except as required to be able to supply the product or service.

4. Limiting Collection
StringSound will only allow operations by users to open their folders on their devices and copy files to the specific location that users selected. StringSound does not have access to the Internet.

5. Limiting Use
Any Personal Information except for StringSound project files (.lng) will be used/saved. StringSound will never share any files with third parties.

6. Safty
Customer Information Personal Information will not be presented, as StringSound will only use custom folder paths to locate StringSound Project Files. And these paths which might include users’ names/other information, will never be remembered/saved, except for the applications’ default storage folder distributed by the system itself.

7. Openness
We will make information available to you about our policies and practices for the management of your Personal Information.

8. Customer Access
Upon request, you will be informed of the existence, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information, and will be given access to it. You may verify the accuracy and completeness of your Personal Information and may request that it be amended, if appropriate. However, in certain circumstances permitted by law, we will not disclose certain information to you. For example, we may not disclose information relating to you if other individuals are referenced or if there are legal, security, or commercial proprietary restrictions.

9. Handling Customer Complaints and Suggestions
You may direct any questions or inquiries for our privacy policy or our practices by contacting: